China Professional 1-stop supplier and manufacture of construction tools,diamond grinding discs and pads,floor grinder,industrial vacuums,etc


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Customs Clearance Issues

All imported merchandise are subject to Customs clearance in every country. When you buy from NCCTECSHOP, the merchandise are sent from China. Therefore you are importing, and you are the importer responsible for the merchandise when the merchandise pass through Customs in your destination country. According to our general terms and conditions, you may order anything you like and we will fulfil your order, but it remains totally your responsibility to find out in advance if the products are permissible to import into your destination country, and if so what clearance requirements, taxes, policies etc apply in that country. NCCTECSHOP cannot and will not offer advice or pre-shipment information on Customs issues in any regard.
From over 2 years of shipping thousands of orders, we can confirm that in over 99.9% of shipments from NCCTECSHOP there is no issue whatsoever with Customs clearance. Furthermore in the majority of the rare cases subject to a delay in Customs, the merchandise are released and delivered successfully. This is because the clearance via normal shipping methods (couriers or post) is handled professionally by the shipping company, and NCCTECSHOP is an experienced provider of correct shipping documentation and compliant products and packaging.
You need to be aware that, since any order you make on will pass through your country's Customs, the Customs have the right to hold and inspect your merchandise according to their policies.
Every country's Customs has different policies, and these policies can vary substantially, for example...
...from port to port
...from day to day or from one Custom's staff member to another
...depending on the volume of packages requiring clearance on any particular day
...depending on the security levels and political climate of the moment
...depending on the package shipment method
...depending on the package origin
...depending on the package, weight, shape, packing, size, profile, x-ray results, etc
...depending on the package contents
...depending on the declared or assessed valuation of the package contents
...depending on the paperwork accompanying the shipment
...depending on random inspection timetables or scheduled batch checks for particular criteria
As the importer, you bear sole responsibility for the clearance of the merchandise any issues that may arise from an inspection or hold. Typically, the consignee of the shipped packets is taken as the importer in any problem case.
If you are dropshipping, it is important to note that the consignee of the merchandise is your customer, and therefore they will be liable for any assessed import duties, sales taxes, or issues arising from Customs inspection.
In most countries, depending on the category of merchandise imported and the quantity or value, the shipment will be assessed for duties and /or sales tax. That is your responsibility as the importer and you can find detailed notes from NCCTECSHOP here.

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